Monday, July 30, 2007


Harry... book seven... Read for one hour then seven straight... Anyone else finished? I'm bursting to talk about it!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

In the end, you're lucky if you die

I can regularily feel the baby kick now. Last night Sarah was lying on the couch reading and called me over. I watched as her stomach poked out as the kicking happened. It was bizarre to see, and reminded me almost of Aliens. (The movie) Except in her stomach.

It was cool.

Well, my sister Georga is married. It was great, except my cousin Megan was staying with us, and sunday night we stayed out with my other brothers until almost four in the morning. By the time I went to bed, I had about an hour to sleep before I had to wake up to work a 10 hour shift. That was hard enough, but coupled with the rest of the lack of sleep over the weekend, and the fact that my mom called me to tell me my Grandmother probably wasn't going to make it the night, it was a rough day.

So I told her that after work I would get something to eat with Sarah then we would head out there. Well, just before we left, my brother called to tell me she had died. Enter one of the best passing away stories ever.

My grandmother has had alzhimers (Or... something. Spelling that word gave me issues.) For many years now she has been getting worse and worse until, the last time I saw her, she couldn't even sit up without someone helping her. She could not talk, could not eat solid foods, etc. She was just slumped over on the couch twitching my whole visit. So when my siblings were over there with my mom, she was lying down, sleeping, taking short, rapid ragged breaths. (My brother Daniel called it a death rattle.) She was drooling, with her tongue hanging out a little. Shaking, and not doing very well. My mom went out to call her brother Mark, and my sister Brigid, still inside, suggested that they sing to her. So they started with Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, which was one of her favorite songs when she was younger. The way they describe it, as soon as they started singing, IMMEDIATLY she calmed down, started taking deeper, more relaxed breaths. Her face relaxed, and she slept peacefully. When they got to the last verse of Amazing Grace, she took her last breath.

The story still makes me cry.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Turn off the windshield wipers! They don't work! Their only making it worse!

All that aside, now I actually have a few spare minutes to sit down and write. I've been trying to update, but the browser has yet to let me. Here's hoping this one works.

People come into work and I know that they are all pretty much friendly people. They inquire because they care. Maybe Bob can sympathize with this. When people who come in EVERY DAMN DAY and ask me how the baby is doing? How the hell do I know? I hear the heartbeat two times a month if I'm lucky, and I've seen ONE ultrasound. Sarah's the one with the baby in her, and she'll tell me if something's wrong. I mean, there's not much change in ONE DAY. (Well, okay, there is a lot. But none that I notice right off the bat.)

Anyways. Skip a week or something, then I'll have news.

I think sometimes that I might occasionally get sympathy pre-post partum depression. Well, okay, it's not that bad, but sometimes it's really hard for me to get myself motivated to do things, and I don't know where that stems from or why it's even there. I'm never really sad, but occasionally I just... won't feel much at all. Like I'm in shock. Like, pre-shock, 'cause I'm not gushing blood yet or missing a limb. I dunno. It's weird though.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Thumb Wars and other breaking news

Police and medical workers have confirmed that last night, Sarah Jean Orcutt slammed her thumb in the door of a car last night at approximatly 11:55pm. After severe bleeding, taco bell and bandage, no follow up medical work was required. Authorities have said that no charges have been filed against the owner of the car, as Sarah is pregnant and therefore a little absent minded at times. She may lose up to half of her fingernail due to gross liquids and colors.

In other news, the 28th of this month Sarah will be celebrating her one year anniversary with her boyfriend and father of her child, Michael Whipple. No attempts to reach her family for comments have been succesful, but his family and friends have been heard to say, "One year already? Has it been that long?" Yes, it has.

Jim and Patty's have given Michael a raise at work. This coencides with the hiring of three new employees, which may significantly reduce his tip income, so the raise comes at a fortuidous time.

This just in; Michael is 12 minutes late from his lunch break, and he has yet to call Sarah. No word of consequences has reached us. More on this later.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Latest news

Come November 23rd, (according to the ultrasound) Sarah and I will be bringing a baby girl into the world. The name is yet to be determined. (Though we have a few in mind. We want it to be uncommon, though not hard to spell or easy to make fun of. Any ideas?)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Blast off!

I... had a great time with Adam and his family tonight. (My family? Do I get to call them that? I've always considered them more of a family to me than mine... And I know I'm not the only one to align more with another family. Family family family. How many freaking times am I going to say that?Once more. Family.) I arrived late but they still had a plate of food for me. And get this. Becky, (Jason's, who is Adam's bro, wife) had laid out plate of food for me that was all vegetables because she knew I didn't like them as much. She knew. I hardly know her, but she, a latecomer to the family, still considers me one of them enough to play a joke on. It was actually really sweet. It was really too bad she picked three of my favorite vegetables.

Then we played games, laughed, and had a good time all around. Then hang-out time at the bar was good, though a little confusing at the end. So a good, uplifting night all around. You dig?

I miss people. I miss hanging out with you all like I used to. And I'm glad I've been doing it a little more recently.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Wait, wha...?

Okay, it's been a few hours. I've been watching american idol auditions that were bad. Real bad. One real big lady did the song from the Wizard of Oz that the Cowardly Lion sings. It was bad. Real bad. I'm hooked. But WAIT! Did Sanj-what's his face get booted? Why did I not hear of this?! I got hooked, and like any other drug, I was only let down in the end...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Got in again!

I almost couldn't remember my user name and stuff again, but I got it all figured out!

I'm... sadly currently addicted to the current American Idol debacle. I just spent the last hour on YouTube watching Sanjaya (Right? Spelling right? Yes?) and his antics. The dude rocks, man. The show is called American Idol, and what better idol for america than the average youth rising above and winning the hearts of millions? Of proving he could keep up with everyone, enduring shame, criticizim and taunts? Or proving that his hair is freaking awesome? If you, as an American, don't vote for him... the terrorists have won.

In other, sadder news, I have ALSO been reading up on the most recent, most worse (Wait... that doesn't work...) school shooting in american history. Or actually, shooting spree in general, I think. (I actually did this before the AI thing. That's why I watched so much Idol, there was just too much.) I don't have a comment to make about this, it's just that I've talked to several people today who didn't know it had occured. I just wanted to post this to make sure people know, and so that I at least can go back to this and remember that it happened. This is America.

They also have great SNL sketches on YT.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New blog for uncertan times

First of all, I was trying to think of something that no one has used before, so I started experimenting with beer names. It's no big deal. It's late and I'm tired. You're big and you're ugly. Next. (Brian Regan, people.)

New blog, couldn't get back into the old one to start posting again. I had to get a new e-mail address to get this started. I'm pooped. That's a lot of forms to fill out.

Let's see... in the last week I've seen Jen and Blain, Lalita and Bob, Missi, GOING to see the Caputos on friday... that's real good for me!

More to come.