Saturday, July 14, 2007

Turn off the windshield wipers! They don't work! Their only making it worse!

All that aside, now I actually have a few spare minutes to sit down and write. I've been trying to update, but the browser has yet to let me. Here's hoping this one works.

People come into work and I know that they are all pretty much friendly people. They inquire because they care. Maybe Bob can sympathize with this. When people who come in EVERY DAMN DAY and ask me how the baby is doing? How the hell do I know? I hear the heartbeat two times a month if I'm lucky, and I've seen ONE ultrasound. Sarah's the one with the baby in her, and she'll tell me if something's wrong. I mean, there's not much change in ONE DAY. (Well, okay, there is a lot. But none that I notice right off the bat.)

Anyways. Skip a week or something, then I'll have news.

I think sometimes that I might occasionally get sympathy pre-post partum depression. Well, okay, it's not that bad, but sometimes it's really hard for me to get myself motivated to do things, and I don't know where that stems from or why it's even there. I'm never really sad, but occasionally I just... won't feel much at all. Like I'm in shock. Like, pre-shock, 'cause I'm not gushing blood yet or missing a limb. I dunno. It's weird though.


mommarazzi said...

Constantina Charlotte Ermentrude Guenivere Maizy Margarite Ann is a nice name. At least that was Cinderella's mother-in-law's name.

I'm sorry you are feeling blue.
From now on I am concerned with your well being. I've just had baby on the brain or something.

Lola Bacon said...

You think that's bad Whipple? Try being the one that's pregnant. I can't answer the how's the baby question better than someone that is not pregnant, and people that I have never seen before in my life ask me that question. Constantly. THEN they proceed to tell me all about their own children, lack of children, niece's new child, their neighbor's sister's new child, and how well I measure up to all of those various situations.

Jenn Turner said...

So, how's that baby doing anyway ;)

WallaWallaDay said...

Michael. You need to call me or something.

Used Napkin2 said...

Sometimes I don't feel anything either...and its ok cause the next day is almost always better!

adam said...

I'll sock you in the nose. That'll get you feeling. Just kidding, but not really.
How's it going Whippy? Let's hang out some day if I ever visit Portland again (end of August).