Saturday, February 2, 2008


That's where I am now. My company, (Whole Foods) sent me up here for three days to train, and because sundays and mondays I have off anyway, I'm staying an extra two days. Sarah and the kid are here with me, so that's nice.

They rented me a car, and we picked that up without a hitch. We pulled into Seattle at about 10:30, parked, and walked into the Hotel Max. If you've not heard of it, it's quite nice. $150 a night, (Paid for by the company) and a wonderful atmosphere. However. For some reason the paperwork identifying my stay as being charged to the company was lost, and we couldn't get in. I called the emergency line for our travel co-ordinator, and she managed to get us in for the night. After 45 minutes of us standing in the lobby with three paper bags full of our stuff. (We realized, while packing, that we have no luggage. How does that happen?)

It's been fun so far, although my training is INCREDIBLY redundant and easy. Friday I spent a little over six hours going through 154 invoices FIVE TIMES. No joke. Each time I went back over these same invoices I was checking something new. That I could have checked the last time. Ugh.

Today it is less than 40 invoices. Which we are now mostly done with. Seriously, at about 9:30. We were done. And now I have to sit here until we can run reports. I do not need to be here today.

Hanging out with my cousin Megan and my aunt and uncle is fun. They are taking Sarah on a tour of Seattle while I am wasting time at work today. Wish I could be there. The baby sleeps every time we leave the hotel, and usually doesn't wake up. Last night my uncle held her for about 45 minutes, talking to her the entire time. It was real cute.

I'm cold. And bored. I want to get out of here. I have four more hours of sitting around. Bleh.

1 comment:

Lola Bacon said...

She looks just like Sarah in that picture!